I got shut down once for being mistaken for a porn site.
I received a lovely note from Sky Saxon’s widow.
I pissed off Diana DeGarmo’s mother.
I’ve made friends with writers I otherwise never would have met. Mystery writers, playwrights, romance novelists, syndicated columnists, Pixar scribes, TV critics, food critics, bloggers, stand up comics, screenwriters with much bigger careers than mine, late night pundits, lyricists, Vanity Fair senior contributors, and television writers from many foreign lands including Canada.

I got invited to Porn Star Karaoke (that’s not why I was shut down).
Larry Gelbart once left a comment.
I launched free teleseminars. The next one is Saturday.
Hopefully my writing advice hasn’t sent too many people off in the wrong direction.
On occasion I have been almost as funny as Tallulah Morehead.
AMERICAN IDOL invited me to a taping. And I got to sit next to Sanjaya’s sister!!

I talked Earl Pomerantz into starting his own blog. Check him out. Who knew you didn’t have to be mean to be funny?
I get hate mail any time I post anything remotely political. Or mention Patricia Heaton.
I got death threats from Opie & Anthony fans.
The LONDON TIMES has re-printed my Oscar reviews.
I've provided some nice links to other sites. Does anybody even look at recommended links lists?
A few of you find my travelogues amusing.
I get to show off my talented kids.
My goofy contests proved to be a hit. Or maybe it was just the elaborate prizes that sparked your participation.
I’ve heard from network and studio executives, pleased about something I had written, not expressing shock I was still in the business.
The LA TIMES mis-printed something, which caused Aaron Sorkin to call me a disgruntled out-of-work writer.
I received a nice apology from Aaron Sorkin.
I got the opportunity to rally support for the Writers Strike.
The BBC interviewed me about the strike. They asked if the internet was having an impact? I said this was my fourth strike and you’ve never interviewed me before. They took that as a “yes”.
I’ve received Blog-SWAG like books, DVD’s, and an Astroglide travel mug. No, I was not shut down for th

I get to shamelessly promote my radio shows on Talkradio 790 KABC.
Nathan Lane took issue with something I said. Boy did he.
I've developed thick skin when it comes to AfterMASH...
Colleagues I’ve respected did guest posts. Thanks again to Peter Casey, David Isaacs, Sam Simon, Bob Gale, Allan Burns, John Masius, and whoever I accidentally left out.
CNN.COM stole one of my post ideas.
I was able to show episodes of ALMOST PERFECT and BIG WAVE DAVE’S so even if only five of you watched, that’s five more than would have ever seen them otherwise.
I have something to post on Twitter that isn’t “I’m not really hungry but I could eat”.
The SITCOM ROOM got launched.
The producer of INSTANT BEAUTY PAGEANT got in touch to defend his show. No defense was necessary. I love that show. It’s the hosts I hate.
The HUFFINGTONPOST invited me to contribute pieces for them. So I get hate mail from their readers when I write anything vaguely political. Or about Patricia Heaton.
I get my mail mixed up with the Ken Levine who created BIO-SHOCK. Turns out I don’t have nearly as many fans as I thought I did.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY said nice things about me. That wasn’t always the case when I had shows for them to review.
I’ve gotten to introduce you to some wonderful writers you might not be familiar with like Treva Silverman, Jerry Belson, Bob Ellison, and Steve Gordon.
I get to write whatever I want and NEVER get notes.
And best of all, I’ve gotten to connect with great people like YOU.
Thanks so much for your support and bookmarks. On to the next 1500. Or at least 1300. You'd think one goddamn editor would find this site, even by accident.
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