I was a Story Editor on MASH and was invited to speak to a sitcom writing class at UCLA along with my friend Larry, who at the time was a Story Editor on RHODA. We talked about how to break into the business – the importance of writing great spec scripts. Do’s and don’ts (a lot of which I’ll be discussing this weekend although writing a spec BARNEY MILLER is no longer a “do”.)
We stressed the need for hard work, really studying the shows, setting high standards for yourself. That was the path to a script assignment for one of our shows.
A friend of mine was in the class and overheard the following:
Two coeds talking. Near the end of our discussion one turned to the other.
COED #1: So what do you think, Ken or Larry?
COED #2 (after some consideration): I’ll fuck Larry. I’d rather get a RHODA.
Postscript: Neither of us got lucky that night. And she never got a RHODA. But it was nice to know the students really were taking our career advice seriously.
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