While I'm in a VOLUNTEERS mood...
I ran this before a couple of years ago and it still hasn't happened. There should be a star on the Hollywood Walk-of-Fame for John Candy. Local LA disc jockeys have stars. If you don’t live in the 310 area code do you have any idea who Johnny Hayes is? He has a star.
From what I understand you offer to pay the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce a certain amount of money. It used to be $20,000, I’m sure it’s gone up. The committee then votes. But again, Johnny Hayes has one.
To nominate John Candy here's where you go. If ever a star deserved recognition it's John. Especially now since his body of work is fading into DVD and VHS remainder bins and the TBS late night movie package.
I was privileged to work with John on VOLUNTEERS. He was a true comic genius. "Tom Tuttle from Tacoma" was a two-dimensional character until John got ahold of him. He had that rare ability to play silly and real at the same time.
Doug suggested we get up a grassroots campaign to get John Candy a star. Finally, a cause this election season I can get behind.
Here's an example of John's work from VOLUNTEERS.
Late in the movie. Lawrence Bourne (Hanks) and Beth (Rita Wilson) are rallying the villagers to blow up the bridge they built for the Peace Corps. Tom Tuttle (Candy) has been away, brainwashed by the Communists. He enters the hut with a stick of lit dynamite.
Fools! Yankee imperialist swine, running dog, lackey, capitalist vermin, foul-breathed counter-revolutionary terrorists. You didn't really think I was gonna let you get away with this? The word of the people will continue to march over that bridge long after we have become specks of useless matter carried on the wind.
Tom, guess what? It's my birthday. Can I blow out the candle?
I'm not afraid to die. Not for a cause. Sure, there'll be stuff I'll miss. Tuna casserole with little potato chips on top. I love those. And Sandra Dee. I've never told anyone, but I like Sandra Dee. And some day I would have gotten her. And she would have left Bobby Darin for me. But now that can never be. Happy birthday, Larry.
(They grab the dynamite stick and put it out.)
Bring him over here. I'm gonna light this and shove it down his pants.
Beth leans over Tom and slaps him lightly in the face.
Tom... Tom, what's wrong? Why did you try to kill us?
We must unite with the masses. The more of the masses we unite with the better.
Here, let me try.
He slaps him hard.
(singing) America, America, God shed His grace on thee...
Lawrence slaps him again.
The people's army must become one with the people so that they see it as their own army. Such an army will become invincible.
Lawrence slaps him again.
(singing)... And crown Thy good with brotherhood...
Those days he spent in the jungle ... something must have happened out there.
Lawrence slaps Tom.
Stop! Stop it! I'll read the book, I'll see the film, I'll wash the people's truck. I'll do whatever you say... It's the commies. The commies made me do it. They want the bridge. They used me. Y'see, they wouldn't let me get any snooze time in, they kept talking... they never shut up ... I challenged myself to resist, but who was I kidding...?
Tom, what are you talking about?
Let me hit him again.
The commies... They're gonna come. They're gonna take over the bridge and the village... And I did it for them. (sobbing) How's that gonna look on my resume? "Peace Corps 1962, turned village over to Communists" ... Who's gonna hire me?
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