McGoohan had an unbelievable career considering he turned down the roles of James Bond, the SAINT, Gandalf in THE LORD OF THE RINGS, and Dumbledore in the Harry Potter films.
THE PRISONER was one of the greatest TV series ever. AMC has a remake premiering later this year. But they update it. Instead of McGoohan quitting a spy agency, this version has Matt Weiner quitting MAD MEN and he finds himself stuck on this island until he agrees to return.
Now that the election is over why are we still hearing what Sarah Palin has to say

Is this a current picture of Steven Tyler or a future picture of Jennifer Love Hewitt?
Less than a month before pitchers and catchers report.
AMERICAN IDOL’s debut was down 10%. Paula, time to do something really wacky in public again. Earn your keep.
CBS held up against IDOL on Tuesday but the CW got absolutely trounced. BEVERLY HILLS 90210 is the number of total viewers it has.
Jim Nantz is underrated as a football announcer.
Visiting teams have won 5 of the 8 NFL playoff games so far. I like the Ravens and the Eagles this Sunday and both are on the road.
FCC Chairman, Kevin Martin has resigned. Please disappear and take Sarah Palin with you.
No one watched Bush's farewell speech. Even Dick Cheney who was caught on camera nodding off. I'm only sorry Bush's speech wasn't up against AMERICAN IDOL and carried only on the CW.
Someone had a great comment on Mickey Rourke’s performance in THE WRESTLER. “He got up, didn’t shampoo, went to the set, and played Mickey Rourke all day.”
Boy George was sentenced to fifteen months in prison. The guys from Cellblock C requested he wear his make up.
30 ROCK and THE OFFICE got renewed. Whew! That was a close one.
I keep waiting for those PROJECT GREENLIGHT movies to be released.
Best of luck to friend-of-the-blog, Diablo Cody's new SHOWTIME show, UNITED STATES OF TARA. I don't get SHOWTIME. Someone will have to tell me how it is.
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