I have President Obama's exclusive private email address. It is britneyspears@gmail.com.
I'm loving LOST this year but starting to get the vibe that the last episode will be Bob Newhart waking up from a bad dream in Hawaii.
Al Michaels should call every Superbowl, every World Series, every World Cup, Masters Tournament, LaCrosse championship.
What on NBC's primetime schedule is remotely as good as that PETA ad they banned?
Suzanne Somers takes 60 pills a day and injects estriol vaginally. She claims to have beaten what she calls "the Seven Dwarfs of Menopause": Itchy, Bitchy, Sleepy, Sweaty, Bloated, Forgetful and All Dried Up. "The Wicked Witch of Acting Ability" has yet to be slayed.
Joe Torre's new book is out today. It's the inside story of his twelve years managing the Yankees. He reveals that Alex Rodriguez also injects estriol vaginally.
Did anybody in their right mind turn off Bruce Springsteen's unbelievable Superbowl halftime show to watch the Wipeout Bowl on ABC?
How come every U.S. President has to have an idiot brother? This week Obama's half brother was arrested on a drug charge. Oh well. In the case of George Bush the idiot brother WAS the President.
Okay, here are the links as I do my part for Blogroll Amnesty Day.
Dirtywatah -- the premiere Red Sox blog
Hoffmania -- very witty political blog updated often and always with the best political cartoons.
Earl Pomerantz -- Terrific comedy writer with a wonderful honest voice
Mark Rothman -- A LAVERNE & SHIRLEY guy joining the ranks with good stuff.
Mike McCann -- Good baseball blog with cool pictures of old parks.
and of course, the first lady of show business (and by that I mean the first lady ever to enter the field)... Tallulah Morehead.
Well, must go. There are so many Blogroll Amnesty Day parties here in Hawaii I don't know where to begin. I just worry how many rowdies will blow their fingers off with homemade fireworks. Happens every year.
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