Woody Allen continues to attract the finest actors of our time for his films. Larry David is starring in his next one. (Since it’s a comedy I hope Woody had the good sense to let Larry improvise… or rewrite the whole thing.)
There will be another HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL. So many unanswered questions in the first three. Aren’t the kids like 40 already? Male patterned baldness will be one of the subplots.
Britney Spears comeback “Circus” tour is being considered a rousing success. Thank GOD!! The Times paid her a huge compliment as an artist when they said she “renewed her claim as one of the world’s most adept manipulators of the public interest.” The show appropriately also features jugglers and clowns. If all goes well she hopes to get another record deal and permission to see her kids.
LOST’S Terry O’Quinn is glad to not be dead. That was front page.
Kirk Douglas is glad to not be dead. Also on the front page.

And finally, a university in Liverpool now offers a master of arts degree in the Beatles. Can an academic study of Freddy & the Dreamers be far behind? Serious scholars only need apply (like USC football players). I guess my question is what kind of a job can you get with an advanced degree in the Beatles? Other than maybe picking up Ringo’s laundry I can’t think of one.
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