The latest sex tape to hit the internet features Eric Dane from GREY'S ANATOMY, his wife, and another woman. Oh please let it be Katherine Heigl.

By signing Michael Vick the Philadelphia Eagles are now the most hated team in the NFL… even in Philadelp

Bob Dylan was stopped by cops in New Jersey and asked for ID. I can just imagine the exchange. Cop: “What’s you name, sir?” Bob: “Bababadabeedraleebadin.” Cop: “What?” Bob (getting annoyed): “Bababadabeedraleebadinyastunampidirasssher!” Cop: “Okay, buddy, let’s see some ID.”
Britain released UFO documents detailing 800 alleged encounters. 780 of them from guys leaving pubs.
MAD MEN’S third season premiere did not disappoint. My head hurts with all the symbolism and Joan should no longer ever wear red but it’s fascinating to watch those characters and that world. The new British owners of the ad agency are really evil. That’s who the Martians should be targeting.
DANCING WITH THE STARS has announced its new line-up. One of the “stars” is a skateboard champ. Hey, YOU try to find sixteen actual celebrities in Hollywood! Also scheduled: Kelly Osbourne.
The next ten people who sign up to follow me on Twitter will become eligible to be contestants on the next edition of DANCING WITH THE STARS.
Michael Jackson will be buried on his birthday. Which year?

HuffPost Headline: Madonna Celebrates 51st Birthday In Poland Amid Catholic Protests. Too much loud Jewish music!!! How are we supposed to confess when there’s that goddamn Hava Nagila going all night long!!
Watching the Obama Town-Hall forum on Saturday I saw a number of elderly people angrily complain that the government should not get involved with health care. Uh, who do you think is running Medicare??
Paula Abdul says she might want to come back to AMERICAN IDOL. Like Hollywood Week, she should be made to go up the elevator, walk that long corridor to the massive judgment room, sit in a little chair in front of the producers, and plead and wail to the point where Tatiana del Toro is embarrassed for her.
At one time the Dodgers had the best record in baseball. Now they don't even have the best record in Southern California.
Madison Avenue had officially declared the summer TV schedule a failure. Not one new show sparked America’s imagination. I say wait, give HOUSE HUSBANDS OF HOLLYWOOD a chance. My review tomorrow.
I haven’t seen it but does THE TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE buy that her husband keeps disappearing to go back in time? This is a more plausible explanation than let's say, oh...he’s having an affair?
I’m sick to death of Jon & Kate. And three weeks ago I didn’t even know who they were.
But if it was Jon & Kate AND the other woman -- now THAT'S the kind of live-action show I'd watch on the Cartoon Network.
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