Or so I thought.
The next afternoon I arrived at the park only to learn that the Clippers had been besieged with pre dawn wake up calls. Needless to say they were pissed.
I guiltily went down to their clubhouse and apologized to their manager, Rick Down. He was very gracious, said

The Clippers’ trainer however, was not. He went ballistic when he saw me, calling me words that were too harsh even for DEADWOOD. And he vowed to get back at me when we were in Columbus the following weekend.
I calmly asked if he ever watched CHEERS. He said, “Yeah, why?” wondering why that was relevant to anything. I then asked if he ever caught some of the bar wars episodes between Cheers and Gary’s Old Towne tavern? Again, he said, “Yeah. So what?” “Well, I wrote those shows, motherfucker, “ I said, “Do you really want to get into a practical joke war with me?”
That was the last I heard of the trainer.
The moral is clear.
Do NOT fuck with comedy writers! EVER!
We may appear harmless but we can fill your office with sheep just for looking at us funny.
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