One feature that seems popular is the Friday questions. When I don't have the answer I try to go to the person who does. In this case, David Lee, one of the creators/executive producers/writers/directors of FRASIER. Thanks, David!
Dhppy asks:
I noticed the Frasier logo was always silver colored in it's final season. Was that designed to be a sign of it's platinum year or something to that effect?
As far as I recall, silver was chosen for the final year because it was one of the only colors left. It may have had some special significance as I don't remember using a metallic color before. Not sure. Changing colors every year was decided early on because when we watched CHEERS in syndication we found ourselves often asking "Which season was that show?" We now have replaced that question with "Which season was orange?"
Dhppy also wants to know:

Was there ever talk of getting Jean Smart as a regular on Frasier?
Not really. We of course loved her, but we found on FRASIER that it was better just to leave things open no matter how terrific the actor, so that if a story arc ran its course we could wrap it up rather than be stuck "servicing" an actor week after week . We did this over the years several times with terrific actresses since Frasier was always finding a woman of whom he thought "this time I think she's really the one" only to have it turn out badly.
Thanks again, David. What's your question?
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